Shaping What Tay Valley will Look Like in the next 25 years.

In 2024, Lanark County retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. ("Watson") to produce a Growth Management Strategy as part of updating Lanark County’s Official Plan. To date Watson has prepared the following documents:
- Lanark County Growth Management Strategy - Draft Report
- Lanark County Growth Management Strategy - Presentation to Lanark County Council
The County plans to adopt the population projections by Watson in the spring of 2025. Then the County will allocate the population projections to each of its municipalities.
Tay Valley Township is expected to grow by a third of its current population. Over 2,000 new residents are anticipated to make Tay Valley home over the next 25 years.
Growth and change provide an opportunity for the Township to plan what the future of Tay Valley will look like on the ground.
- Will we grow our existing hamlets or have houses pop up everywhere?
- Will we continue our rural, farm way of living or become a suburb of Carleton Place or Ottawa if Highway 7 expands?
- How will our lakes and rivers and forests be affected or protected?
- What partners and stakeholders are required to fulfill the vision for the future of the rural areas and hamlets?
These and other questions make for good conversations between neighbours and the Township.
The Building and Planning Department intends to hold those conversations in the spring and summer of 2025 when the County population projections are finalized.
In the meantime, if you have any thoughts, you can contact the Planner.