The Tay Valley Township Official Plan is a legal document under the Planning Act that contains the goals, objectives and policies which guide development in the Township for twenty years into the future. The Plan is intended to assist Council and its various committees, municipal staff, developers, government agencies and the public in their efforts to maintain and strengthen the environment, economy, culture and social assets of the Township.
The Official Plan describes provincial requirements for land use and Tay Valley Township's policies on how land in the Township should be used. It is prepared with input from residents and helps to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of our community.
An Official Plan deals mainly with issues such as:
- where new housing, industry, and commercial areas will be located;
- what services like roads, community halls and parks will be needed;
- when, and in what order, parts of the community will grow; and
- community improvement initiatives.
Official Plan Documents

Why do Municipalities need an Official Plan? |
An Official Plan:
When is the Official Plan reviewed? | ||||||||||
An approved official plan can be reviewed at any time, but each local council is required to revise its official plan not less than every five years from the date the plan came into effect. This ensures the plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and that it conforms and/or does not conflict with provincial plans. The five-year review is also an opportunity to ensure the official plan continues to address local priorities and changing community needs. | ||||||||||
What is the Lanark County Integrated Community Sustainability Official Plan? | ||||||||||
In June 2012, the County of Lanark adopted its first Official Plan, called "Lanark County Sustainable Communities Official Plan" (SCOP) which combined an Official Plan under the Planning Act, with an Integrated Community Sustainable Plan (ICSP). The SCOP provides for the implementation of land use policies through traditional tools, such as zoning and lot creation with a focus on the integration of sustainable practices regardless of political boundaries. The ICSP part of the Plan identifies goals and objectives designed to enhance community sustainability. An Official Plan Amendment submitted to the local municipality may require that the SCOP for Lanark County also be amended. The application form is required to be submitted directly to Lanark County when the SCOP requires amendment, in addition to the submission to the local municipality. |
What is an Official Plan Amendment? | ||||||||||
An official plan amendment is a formal document that changes a municipality's official plan. Changes may be needed because of new circumstances in the community or because of requests made by property owners.